Do you feel disconnected with yourself, scattered, or unmotivated? If you have any feelings similar to this, you chakras might be off!
Chakras are wheels of energy that run through the body and the can contribute to emotional and physical ailments when they are out of balance.
Yoga moves energy in your body, thus stimulating the chakras to release stagnant energy. It is a great way to release, replenish, and restore.
In future blog posts, I'll be discussing several yoga positions that align the chakras. Yoga can manipulate the flow of subtle energy through each chakra.
First let's tackle what the chakras are all about:
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - 1st chakra
It is called the root chakra for reason. It represents grounding and our foundation. When we feel grounded, supported by the universe and stable, we know that our root chakra is balanced. An open root chakra comes with feelings of confidence in our ability to work through changes and support ourselves. A closed root chakra can make us feel threatened, weak, and unstable in daily life.
Location: base of the spine, tailbone area
Color: red
Element: Earth
Development: ages 1-7 years
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) - 2nd chakra
This chakra supports how we relate to emotion and how emotion moves through us. It also informs creativity, sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexual energy. If our sacral chakra is block, we tend to feel a lack of emotional control in our lives, our creativity may be stuck, or we may struggle with embracing our sexuality.
Location: lower abdomen, 2 inches below the navel
Color: orange
Element: water
Development: ages 8-14 years
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - 3rd chakra
This chakra is all about our confidence and control in life. This chakra controls, self-worth, self-confidence, and self esteem. When your solar plexus is open, you feel free to express your true authentic self. If you have anxiety, nervousness, a feeling of overwhelm or self-doubt, your solar plexus is blocked.
Location: upper abdomen
Color: yellow
Element: fire
Development: ages 8-14 years
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - 4th chakra
This chakra is a bridge between the higher (spirituality) and lower chakras (materiality). This chakra informs our ability to give and receive love and to feel joy and inner peace. When someone's heart is open, they are capable of being deeply compassionate and full of empathy. When someone's heart is closed, they will have difficulty fully opening up to the people, opportunities, and experiences.
Location: center of chest, just above the heart
Color: green
Element: air
Development: ages 21-28 years
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - 5th chakra
This chakra gives the heart a voice. It informs our ability to communicate our personal power. When open it allows us to express ourselves authentically and clearly. When this chakra is closed, one may have a hard time communicating how they feel.
Location: throat
Color: light blue or turquoise
Element: sound
Development: ages 29-35 years
6. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna) - 6th chakra
I use my third eye in my healing work. It allows me to connect to my intuition, to converse with the divine, to see the bigger picture, to feel the truth of a situation. It helps me sees where people are blocked and how they can release those blocks. When my third eye is connected, I know that I can never go wrong. It helps people tap into their intuition, divine wisdom, and their imagination. Some people are clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairscent, clairtangency, and/or clairgustance. The third eye registers information beyond the visual human level. Someone with an open third eye will have visions, intuitive hits, a natural ability to hear God/Divine/Source, etc. We all are born with these gifts but many of us unlearn them as we go through human life being taught that we have to follow what our parents tell us, what society says, etc.
Location: forehead, between the eyes
Color: dark blue or purple
Element: Light
Development: ages 36-42 years
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - 7th
This chakra allows us to fully connect to source. It allows us to connect with the divine. The third eye and the crown chakra work together so that we can hear the messages the divine sends us so that we can grow spiritually on our life path.
Location: top of head
Color: Violet and white
Element: divine consciousness
Development: ages 43-49 years
There are actually more than seven chakras but we'll start with the basic seven. Soon I'll have several blogs that will walk you through yogic exercises on how to connect with each chakra.
Thank you for reading!
Love & Light,
Cara Deptula
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