with Cara Emilia - Intuitive Guide, Holistic Healer, & Energy Empowerment Coach
Words, thoughts, & stories from clients who have inspirationally transformed their lives.
Only names and initials are used to protect the energy around their healing. Often people growing and leaning towards the light can be targets for energy attacks.
"Few people are capable of the kind of raw, unhindered, spiritual positivity that Cara delivers to those around her. A master of being in-the-moment, she will give you her undivided attention, a sense of knowing and caring permeating her every word. She is no-nonsense but infinitely gracious and understanding of the broadest spectrum of humanity. She was full of helpful guidance regarding my own struggles with procrastination and overeating. Through fighting various judgmental attitudes, I found that I could much more easily grapple with long-held insecurities in finding human connection, all thanks to her counsel. She helped me through some of the hardest times in my life. She’ll never give up on you"
/// Phil E - Podcaster
"I'm grateful for Cara's insight and expertise. After drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and caffeine addiction, I'm someone relatively new to pursuing a healthy lifestyle. I am recovered from the drugs and alcohol but I"m still fighting my addiction to caffeine and sugar. Cara's intuitive advice and genuine care around nutrition, sugar, and caffeine has been tremendously helpful. She has a work and practical knowledge of everything nutrition related. I felt like I was in good hands with her intuitive yet understanding guidance. She's the best! She gave me a plan, tips, and resources to help me shift me diet. The plan was just challenging enough to make me excited to start but not too challenging. If it was too challenging I would have just quit. I'm so grateful for the direction she gave me! I feel it is something I can take with me the rest of my life."
/// Kevin F - Addiction Counselor
"My dog got very sick from the medication that the vet gave him. Cara put him on all of these herbs and supplements to heal his throat and get him back to normal. He was so sick last year and nothing worked, but Cara's methods got him to 100%. Now I just go to Cara instead of the Vet and he heals so quickly."
/// Michael K - Healer
“Cara helped my dog release her trapped emotions so that she could pass away with more comfort. I felt such a sense of peace within myself and with my baby Penelope. Before she passed all her twitching and crying stopped for a couple hours. It was nice to see the Penelope that I knew for just a little bit. I will be forever grateful. She also helped me with follow up sessions around my loss and I'm a current client of hers."
/// Lacey G - Healer
“Cara changed how I see things. I have a completely different perspective now. I'm grateful for all the sessions. Thank you!"
/// John - Retired Professional Football Player
“After doing the open heart healing, several intuitive sessions. and multiple healing sessions, Cara has helped me remove the blocks that had a hold on my gifts. Now I am able to tap into my own intuition and feel confidence in making decisions for myself instead of leaning on others for advice. She gave me tools so that I could hear clear and direct answers for myself and also my clients.
/// Sara M - Reiki Practitioner
"Cara combines skill and sensitivity to create genuine results. In her sessions there is no airy-fairy nonsense. Not only does she have deep understanding, but she has the ability to intuitively look in and find the root cause of what I'm struggling with. She addresses root issues on a level that actually changes them. Cara is able to read a problem accurately. work thru it energetically, and give me tools to help me shift it. Not only does she guide me through healings, but she empowers me by teaching me how to do it on my own"
/// Henry H - Therapist
"It feels like a portal of awareness is opened each time I have a session. I barely understand how she sees what she does. She doesn't ask many questions, Cara just intuitively knows what is heaviest on my heart. She has a connection to Source and energy that is undeniable and real. She helps me see what I need to so that I can move towards healing. The difference in me is like night and day. I have been able to control my binge eating, my relationships have improved, my self esteem is higher, my business is thriving and my ability to manifest is easier. I look at life in a different way. I see challenges as soul growth and opportunities.
/// Michelle K - Healer & Intuitive
"Cara is able to hold a space in such a way that healing occurs at its deepest levels. During a session there is unconditional acceptance in regards to my concerns, struggles, distressing patterns, bad habits, and what I feel are my shortcomings. Cara has helped me see that all challenges are perfect and exactly what I needed for my soul growth. With every session we uncover layers of my being in such a way that healing occurs not only mentally but energetically and physically. She helped me realize that I was holding everyone else's pain. The tension I hold in my body is gone and my health issues are going away! I’m so grateful to have met Cara."
/// Alex K - Nurse
"When I first came to see Cara I was wanting help with my depressive mood, and after my first appointment with her she had not only helped with this but had also given me take home tools to work on my addictions and emotional eating problems. I recommend Cara to anyone wanting help in any area of their life whether that be health, family, career, finances or any issues relating to self. My self worth and self love has gone up ten fold. She catches my negative patterns and has given me tools to transform them into positives. She has taught me about the world being a reflection and has been able to “look in” to see how I can trace the reflection, neutralize the reflection, and flip the situation. I have learned so much about energy work and how to shift the things in my life that I do not like. After years of not booking acting work, I've been booking work regularly!"
/// Nancy M - Life Coach
"I am also a Healer and was helping lighted beings who were getting attacked by intense dark energies. I consulted Cara because although I could help me clients, I was getting attacked by very dark energies several times a day. Cara helped me trace the source that was hitting me then she helped me clear the dark forces. I immediately felt a lift of relief. I felt lighter like everything lifted. My headaches completely disappeared, my weird food cravings stopped, and my nightmares disappeared. She and I also worked together to create and extra protection shield to fend off these very intense dark energies. My most difficult clients have decided to return for sessions. Because of Cara, I've saved several lives from the dark forces that were attacking them.
/// Cheryl C - Healer
"Cara is a gifted healer and a fountain of love. God moves through her to remove the cause of disease, rather than only dealing with the symptoms. The higher & guides always help her, and I always experience them too. Cara is a delightful, wise person and also an exceptionally gifted clairvoyant, claircognizant, and clairaudient. She brings insight and healing to a very wide range of situations. She has helped me with physical and mental health, relationships and many other aspects of life. I have had remarkable results and life experiences. She also taught me how to clean my chakras, connect to source, boost my aura, and protect myself from dark forces. I have learned so much about energy work and how to shift the things in my life that I do not like."
/// Anthony M - Massage Therapist