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How to Connect to your Authentic self

Writer's picture: Cara DeptulaCara Deptula

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

So you feel like life will be better if you connect to yourself? You feel like it will bring you closer to God, closer to your dreams, or closer to your purpose.

That sounds great but how do you do that? Even more so, how do you do that in a world full of noise? We are externally saturated with everything from the news media, to social media, marketing, television, radio, podcasts, substances, food, alcohol, drugs, and much more. Many of the external messages blur what we need to see within ourselves. Many of the beliefs that we learned as children are far from correct and don’t help us, but hurt us.

We can create a deeper awareness within ourselves if we pull away from the noise of the world and the chaos in our mind. We can also learn a lot about ourselves if we notice what distracts us or knocks us off balance. We can use this knowledge as a tool to leverage our inner awareness. How we deal with obstacles can teach us so much about ourselves. Answers are within us, the tricky part can be, “how do we go within?”

I created a list of things that you can do with your body, mind, and emotional body to allow yourself to build an intimate relationship with yourself. The more you are able to connect to and understand yourself, the more things in your external world will align beautifully to match your newly awakened inner world.


Deep Breathing

Connect with your breath to help you feel into your body. Just bring awareness to your breath and follow it with your attention.

Limit Substances

When you go to reach for something outside of you that fills a void or numbs the pain, instead of reaching for that thing, ask yourself why you are reaching for it. With this, you will learn so much about yourself. The more we use substances to fill our voids, the more we avoid the shadow parts of ourselves that we are meant to look at. It is really important to look at why we use substances like food, alcohol, drugs, social media, and video games to numb ourselves. The more we pull back on substances that alter our cognition, intuition, and physical abilities, the more we become more clear about what we may be escaping from or what we need to heal within ourselves.

Move Your Body

Get moving to connect to your body. Ask your body how it wants to move. Do you need to dance, run, walk, swim, stretch, or skip? Feel into the movement and get out of your head. Feel how it feels to BE in your body. Be present with the movement and sensations. Release pent up energy. Let movement fill you.

Use your Body to Tap into your Intuition

Your body communicates to you through its sensations. When something is right for you your body may soften, relax and feel lighter but when something isn’t right for you, your body may contract or feel heavy. Ask yourself with each decision “How does this feel?” and tune into your body to receive your answer.

Scan your Body

Close your eyes. Begin scanning your body at your feet, move your awareness up through your legs, hips, stomach, chest, neck, arms, head etc.. Ask how your body how it feels during the scan. Does it feel tight, relaxed, heavy, light, constricted, or in any way uncomfortable. Ask your body to release the discomfort.



Be Honest with Yourself

Is there something that you need to see about yourself that you are denying because it hurts too much to see it? Just the awareness of seeing something that you don’t want to look at, can SHIFT it! If you don’t look at it, you can’t change it, but the minute you recognize it, you put yourself in a place to change it! Explore what feelings you may be holding back. Explore what you don’t like about yourself and that may be really really uncomfortable to look at. Freedom is on the other side of uncomfortability.

Empower Yourself With Loving Thoughts

Uplift yourself and choose to love yourself deeply. This will raise your frequency and you’ll become more connected with yourself and aligned with what you are meant to attract.

Forgive Yourself

Be gentle with yourself as you see different things about yourself. Be aware of what you see and take accountability, but let go of any guilt or shame. If you’ve been hard on yourself, release it. If you’ve done something that you regret, forgive yourself.

Explore your Patterns

Write down your patterns. Look at them from a bird’s eye view and look deeply to see what they are showing you about yourself.

Explore Intentions

Explore key intentions and mantras for how you want to feel. This small practice will help your day unfold more consciously and deliberately.

Consult Yourself Before Committing

Check inwards and consult with yourself before saying “yes” or “no” to anything.


  • Am I overly giving?

  • Am I saying yes out of obligation or need, or because I really want to?

  • Does saying “yes” feel supportive or draining?



Nourish Your Needs

Check in with how you are feeling. Tap into what you really need right now. Be honest about what you really want. Love yourself enough to meet your own needs without expecting anyone else to meet them. When we feel nourished, balanced, and physically vibrant we naturally feel more calm and supported. With this, it is easy for us to feel into ourselves and connect. Nourishment like healthy food, a good night’s rest, water, and meditation are steps that get you closer to receiving the clarity you need to feel and see within yourself and with your higher power.

Become Aware of your Blocks.

Look at your fears, your limiting beliefs, and the stories that tell yourself that aren’t even true. Are you telling yourself you can’t do (this) because you aren’t where you want to be in your life? Are you depriving yourself of something great because you have a timeline in your head that is strict and rigid? What if God’s plan for you is different from the timeline in your head? What if overthinking and the “shoulds” are your block? I should have a million dollars. I should be successful in my career. I should… I should.. I should. What if every “should” is exactly what you need to get rid of because it is blocking you from bringing in what you want and blocking what is meant for you?

Choose to Understand and Heal yourself

Choose to see who you are and understand yourself without judgment. Once you start understanding yourself, you will be able to change whatever patterns you’d like to change. When you understand yourself, your motives, your intentions, how you operate and the ROOT of where it stems from, you can then shift it.

Be Fully Present with Yourself

Feel a sense of love for yourself and allow yourself to drop into deeper self-connection

Find Gratitude

Pay attention to what brings you joy: reading, nature, TV, animals, a hot bath, herbal tea, a scented candle, a chat with a friend, working out. Feel into the gratitude of the little things.

Tap Into Your Heart Energy

Your head will distract you with endless thoughts, but your heart will lovingly draw you inward. Try closing your eyes, tapping on your heart, take 3 deep breaths and ask yourself what guidance is there for you.

Listen to your Discomfort

Your uncomfortable emotions can tell you about yourself and what you need to shift. This often does not mean that you need to shift something external, but there is something within that needs to shift - perhaps shifting your perspective. Find the courage to dive into uncomfortable feelings, face your fears and do shadow work. When hurt arises, feel it, and then release it. Cry, scream, breath, run, box, walk, write, etc. Be loving with yourself around whatever comes up. Most likely what comes up is a wound that needs healing.



Once we connect to ourselves, it is easier to connect to our higher selves and also to God/our higher power. Once we break away from our learned beliefs, we might learn that they are not who we are or what God wants for us. What if the things we think are our dreams are really just our limitations. What if our timeline isn’t God’s timeline for us? What if what we thought we needed isn’t really what we need at all. What if these rules that we made for ourselves are just in the way of the most beautiful things that could be in our lives and all we need to do is get out of our own way. God is a rule breaker. God is a miracle worker. God will do things for you that are out of your human order. Linear thinking does not create room for miraculous things to happen, but feeling into the soul and what God wants for use will create room for miracles. God and the soul is expansive! The human brain is limited. So the more we try to move forward with our human timeline, the more we will get stuck. The more we are open to what God gives to us, and once we recognize these gifts, the timelines we had for ourselves will disappear and miracles will start to flood into our lives.

Connect to your heart.

Connect to your soul.

Connect to your intuition.

Connect to God, your higher self, or your higher power!

With this you can break through your human timelines and create miracles to unfold in your life.

If you’d love support in getting on your soul path and how to move into a loving relationship with yourself, contact me for an Intuitive guidance and an energy healing session. Each session is catered to exactly where you are on your path so that you can break through your blocks.

Cara Deptula


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