One of my specialities is helping clients with body detoxing & weight loss. Even if your organs are in healthy working order, your body may still be storing toxins . A detox rids your body of toxins and help your organs work more effectively. Detoxing is an opportunity for self-healing processes to kick into gear. You can't fully heal if there is still junk in the way!
Signs you need a detox:
candida symptoms
fatigued, stress, overwhelm
gaining weight an excess body weight
emotional, angry
depressed, unmotivated, lacking energy and enthusiasm for life
headaches, mental fog
skin blemishes, dull complexion
colds, flus, viruses
poor digestion
cravings for sugar, fried foods, processed meat, dairy, gluten, processed foods, fast food
cravings for coffee, alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs, cigarettes
exposed to common toxins, carbon emissions, cigarette smoke, artificial chemicals
Benefits of a detox:
prevention of chronic diseases
stronger immunity
losing stagnant weight
improved quality of life
increased energy
radiant skin
bright, clear eyes
mental clarity
balanced emotions
improved self-confidence and empowerment
healthy habits and routines
improved longevity
The list can go on forever and ever. What I do is intuitively tap into you to see what your body needs to cleanse both emotional and physical weight. We work together and tackle healing from the inside out!!!
Love & Light,
Cara Deptula — Intuitive Energy Healer & Detox Coach