The question "what is life?" has been on my mind this week. I recently had a friend pass away*. He was young - mid 50s and it was unexpected. He was in my community of church and improv. We volunteered together for many years. He had such a vibrant presence and always had an interesting take on things. He wasn't afraid to have real, authentic conversations. He was the first guy to help out when he could. He really had God working through him in so many ways. He had recently lost a lot of weight and was so proud of the accomplishment that he had made...... so why? Why was his soul decide to leave the earth? This question spinning around in the brain literally could drive someone into severe depression and more.
The above is my human brain contemplating things. If I were to let my brain get too carried aways, I am bound to get upset, frustrated, depressed, angry, and have all of the emotions literally at the same time. Our brain and thoughts generate so many emotions....and yes it is okay to have and feel emotion. Where we get in trouble is when we resist the emotion and resist the feelings. We get in trouble where we wish that (_____) isn't true. We say "we coulda done this", he shoulda done that", "why did this happen that way", and the many other forms of resistance that trauma can bring up in our minds, hearts, and bodies. There is a struggle in fighting the pain that we feel, but what if we just let the pain flow, what if we just let it out, etc? With this we release the pressure, we embrace the struggle as part of our journey, and we look at what we are learning.
So we can combat the complexities of the brain by releasing the resistance and just allowing. There are also other healing methods that we can use to ease the mental stress.
We are human so it is easy to let the brain take over, that is what we are literally programmed to do in society. What if, instead, we let the soul take over? What if we choose to get out of our heads and into our hearts? I'm not talking about wallowing in deep heartfelt emotions. I'm talking about getting in touch with our higher self and God through our hearts. The more our heart is open, the more we are able to get in touch with our own soul and what God wants for us. The more in touch we are with our hearts, the more our relationship with a higher power exists, the more we can see that the timing in our life is divine.
So what is life? Life is a journey and everyone has their own unique journey. People have different lessons to learn and no one's earth experience is the same. Sure we can compare situations, but it is the act of comparing that can actually get us in trouble. Often comparing experiences short changes us, it can even put us in lack, and it puts us into a state of ego.
Your life.... YOUR YOUR own and the best way to live it is to live authentically moving past the wants of the ego and getting in alignment with your soul's purpose here on earth.
Death of a loved one can really teach us a lot. We can either choose the ego and look in all the wrong places using the mind as a guide OR we can choose the soul and use God as our guide. We can use the obstacle, trauma, or pain to cripple us by running circles in our mind, or we can use the obstacle, trauma, or pain to strengthen our relationship with ourselves and God.
I am a transformational energy therapist and intuitive. I help clients get in touch with their soul while teaching them energy tips and healing tools that help them stay on path with their divine journey here on earth.
There are no accidents.... So embrace your situation -- even if it feels painful, with that alone you can stay aligned with God, but if you fight it then you are fighting a part of your divine journey.
Contact me for a session ! I love helping people where they need it the most!
Love and Blessings,
*This article is dedicated to my dear friend Philip Cambre
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